Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Award
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I go about getting more PYRCA seals/stickers?
Stop by the PYRCA booth at the PSLA annual conference, or email us at pyrca.psla@gmail.com to get details for purchasing extra seals. Seals cost $.25 per seal.
When does voting happen? When are my votes due?
In general, the voting form opens in mid-January and votes must be submitted by the end of March to be counted. Votes need to be tallied at least two weeks before the annual PSLA conference, so this date may change as necessary.
Where is the voting link?
The voting link is located here: https://pyrcapsla.wixsite.com/pyrca/vote-here or can be accessed directly at http://tinyurl.com/pyrca-vote
When will next year’s list be posted?
Lists for the next year are usually posted by the end of March. Part of the process in creating the lists is notifying publishers to be sure titles will be available.
How can I add a book to be considered for next year’s list?
Check out our “Suggest titles” section of the website. Guidelines for books that can be considered are located here: https://pyrcapsla.wixsite.com/pyrca/selection-of-books-for-final-list
When will winners be announced? My kids are pumped to find out the winner!
Winners are announced at the PSLA annual conference during the awards breakfast. After the breakfast, winners will be posted on the website and other social media sites.
Where can I get posters to display that highlight the nominated books?
Posters for the K-3, 3-6, 6-8 and YA grade strands are created by Bound to Stay Bound (BTSB) and can be obtained during the PSLA annual conference at either the PYRCA or the BTSB booths or by contacting BTSB at btsb@btsb.com. Posters are also created by Mackin and can be downloaded and printed from their website https://www.mackin.com/hq/resources/downloads/#1500392553676-9fed31b1-de2c (choose PA).
I am interested in being on the PYRCA committee. How can I join and what are the requirements to be on the committee?
You must be a current member of PSLA. There is a limited number of people who can be on the committee, but if you email us and express interest, we can let you know if there are any empty seats available. Committee members meet as a group three times a year and are responsible to read the books suggested for their grade strand. Committee members also help man the PYRCA booth during the annual PSLA conference.